I’ve learned…that life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. I’ve learned…that under everyone’s hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved. I’ve learned…that to ignore the facts does not change the facts. I’ve learned…that the less time I have to… Continue reading I’VE LEARNED



1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay them. 2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. 3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. “An idle mind is the devil’s… Continue reading HOW TO STAY YOUNG


Stock Market Speculators Causing the Big Runup in Gas Prices

Commodities Prices: Speculation Exposed by: Philip Davis posted on: May 21, 2008 Excerpt: “The most exciting thing that happened Tuesday was the testimony of Michael Masters to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security (who have sweeping powers) as he spilled the beans and gave the Senate a very detailed inside view of exactly how speculators… Continue reading Stock Market Speculators Causing the Big Runup in Gas Prices


History of Computing.

The technically inclined (and others with curious minds) will surely enjoy reading this history of computing.See: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usuario:Aviguille/Historia_del_ordenador#Earliest_devices


Investors Get High Dividends and Good Safety

Energy Trusts provide large dividends and the unit prices are relatively stable. See the following for an excellent article on the subject: http://sandersresearch.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1333&Itemid=102
